Strategic Economic Priorities

Enga Province in Papua New Guinea has a diverse economic base, including mineral development, commercial agriculture, tourism, forestry, and hydroelectricity. The province aims to increase agricultural production and improve the market value chain while also aspiring to become a regional service hub. To support this vision, Enga plans to establish modern infrastructure and institutions such as a state-of-the-art hospital, nursing school, teachers’ college, Enga Innovative University, and technical vocational training college. The province will develop five-year Provincial and District Development Plans aligned with the national Medium-Term Development Plan IV, incorporating district service needs and strategic economic investment opportunities. These efforts aim to drive sustainable development and enhance the well-being of Enga Province’s residents. 

Infrastructure Facility


Establish the Enga Infrastructure Facility to plan,finance,construct a Mulyi-year,multi project,multi-donor,multi-financier social and economic infrastructure. Financing facility design to qualify for infrastructure development support from regional funds.

Measure of Success

*  Establishment of EIF by 2030

*  Enga Infrastructure Plan agree in 2022.

*  5 Major Projects completed by 2030.

*  EIF staffed with capable technocrats experienced in all aspects of infrastructure.



“One Stop Shop” for District Led Organization Project

Incorporation Enga Cultural training

Measure of Success

*  Establishment of Market Linkage Agriculture Facility

*  Scoping and business case studies of three downstream horticulture/honey facilities,eg,canning,

ME & Agribusiness Microfinance Facility


* Rotating microfinance credit institution to support SME and Agribusiness

* MFI Deposit product to encourage savings

Measure of Success

* Enga SME &

* Agribusiness MFI established

* Each district given equal access to credit

* Financial Literacy program

New Initiatives


* Bank of Enga

* Air Miok

Measure of Success

* Negotiation in Progress

* Mobilize resource.

Twenty-five years of stable leadership and consistent administrative machinery have resulted in EPG attracting more foreign government and NGO donor agencies to invest in all sectors in the province. ’This has been our strength and a Key strategy for addressing our development agendas.

Chief Sir Peter Ipatas,GCL,KBE,MP
Governor, Enga Province