Enga Strategic Development Plan

The Enga Development Plan has been formulated to comply with the Organic Law on Provincial Governments and Local Level Governments and in concert with the Vision 2050 and the Medium Term Development Plan.

Funding Strategy

Enga Strategy, a new method of raising capital investment funding is required to support the accelerated development of the province. There are limited domestic public financial resources available for service delivery and infrastructure investment and limited institutional capacity to absorb and execute infrastructure investment (from domestic or external funding sources).

To transition from a narrow and inadequate revenue base will require catalytic investment in close partnership with the National Government and Development Partners in social and economic development to open up Enga to a pathway to financial self-sufficiency. The next couple of years will necessitate the funding burden being undertaken by the public sector before realistically the private sector will invest heavily in Enga to broaden revenues.

This funding challenge is faced by many jurisdictions grappling to move from developing to developed economies. There are valuable lessons to be learned on the most effective means to progress when both financial and human capacity constraints are extreme but the underlying potential is high.

Enga Strategy takes a Provincial and Sector wide approach to development and gives the opportunity for the National Government and Development Partners to collaborate and provide funding and technical assistance through a new mechanism, the Enga Infrastructure Facility (EIF). The facility will plan, raise funding across a pipeline of priority projects under a best practice governance structure to guarantee value for money, transparent and efficient delivery.

The Enga Infrastructure Facility is established by the Enga Strategy Project Implementation Unit as a priority task and it’s operational. It is expected the EIF will work closely with development financiers and entities such as the Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific (AIFFP) to raise both sub-national and project specific loans and grants from both the private and public sector.

Implementation, Enga Development Plan

 Enga Provincial Administration will lead the way in implementing Enga Development Strategy using our established PPC and the two implementing agencies (PWTS & DoW).It will strengthen cooperation between Enga Provincial Government and other development partners and financiers.


Enga Province has a solid reputation for good governance and administration with; bust bureaucracy and become more outcomes focused and efficient to bolster the development of the province. EPA lead the way in this change it is proposing for the province and set a benchmark of high performance in its personnel, infrastructures and services. Cooperation with development partners, including the National Government, provide a genuine opportunity to underwrite funding and technical expertise to transition Enga to a modern society.

Coadjutant relationships between Provincial and District Administrations and elected Governments is essential for rapid development in Enga. EPG and District Administration working closely in aligning their plans to maximize scant resources and drive scalable outcomes.

Cooperation with development partners, including the National Government, provide a genuine opportunity to underwrite funding and technical expertise to transition Enga to a modern society.

Enga implementation requires a high quality functional enabling institutional environment as it demands the management of a portfolio of projects instead of individual projects. The management of the strategy depends on clearly defining the central oversight and implementation agency roles. These include the Enga Provincial Government, Enga Provincial Administration, National Government Departments; Agencies; State Owned Enterprises; Financiers; Development Partners; the Private Sector; Faith Institutions; Civil Society and not least, the Community of Enga.

Twenty-five years of stable leadership and consistent administrative machinery have resulted in EPG attracting more foreign government and NGO donor agencies to invest in all sectors in the province. ’This has been our strength and a Key strategy for addressing our development agendas.

Chief Sir Peter Ipatas,GCL,KBE,MP
Governor, Enga Province