Priority Development Policy Programs and Projects

“I have a vision, a dream for a prosperous Enga .”
Sir Peter Ipatas
Governor, Enga Province

The Enga Province’s major priority policies and programs prioritized by EPG over the last 20 years are in the form of a 7-Point Development Charter. The EPG 7 Priority Programme Areas are as follows:

  1. Quality Education System
  2. Quality Health Care System
  3. Improve Basic Transport Infrastructure Network
  4. Sustainable Economic Development (through investment in Viable Rural Industries)
  5. Improved Law and Order
  6. Improved Public Infrastructure Network (Electrification & Communications)
  7. Improved Government Performance (governance)

In the whole of EPG service delivery system, the 7 development pillars are founded on three important foundation programs and they are Education, Infrastructure, and Agriculture which are the engines of growth for our province.

The seven priority pillars represent EPG’s priority programs for the province under which many other programs come under. The ultimate goal represented by the roof is the provincial government’s overall vision which is for the province to have an Educated, Healthy, Wealthy, Happy, and a Prosperous people by 2030

The following methodology applied to carry out the
strategists Plan

A. Subsidized Education from Elementary through to Tertiary level to provide equal opportunity and universal access to education opportunities for all Engan children. Now the policy is adopted nationally and the GPONG is catering for the program under Tuition Fee Free Policy (TFF).

  1. Education Subsidy Project. EPG has consistently subsidized education for the last 16 solid years until GoPNG took over in 2013 under TFF program.
  2. Tertiary Education Subsidy & Targeted Tertiary Scholarships Project (Pilot Training, Police Cadets Etc.) (Ongoing).

B. Improvement in Basic & Specialist Education Infrastructure and Facilities at all education institutions to improve capacity and quality (Ongoing).

  1. Secondary Schools Infrastructure and Facilities Upgrade & Maintenance
  2. High Schools Infrastructure and Facilities Upgrade & Maintenance Project.
  3. Primary Schools Infrastructure and Facilities Upgrade & Maintenance Project.
  4. Elementary Schools Infrastructure and Facilities Upgrade & Maintenance project.
  5. Construction of School Libraries and supply of books to schools.
  6. Construction of Science Labs and supply of specialist science equipment.

C. Construction of new tertiary Institutions in the Enga Province to enable Enga students to access tertiary education and training.

  1. Construction and Development of Enga Teachers College (Ongoing).
  2. Construction and Development of Hela Opena Polytechnic Institute (Ongoing).
  3. Construction and Development of Enga College of Nursing
  4. Construction & Development of Kungumanda CHW Training Coll.
  5. Upgrade of TVET Centers
  6. Tertiary Education Partnerships with IBS, PIMS and UPNG

D. Installation of IT Infrastructure & Equipment in Schools & Tertiary Institutions

As part of quality and capacity building for schools and learning institutions, the Enga Provincial Government has decided to install computer labs and IT equipment in schools thus accessing E’ Learning through the internet.

The use of E’ Library is also promoted in the schools. Students are using the internet to do research as a supplement to the use of library books.

The EPG is prioritizing the provision of improved health care and specialist treatment for the Enga people which is easily accessible to the rural mass over the next five years and this is being prioritized through the following key activities and projects:

  1. Establishment of Provincial Health Authority
  2. Construction of the New Enga Provincial Hospital.
  3. Primary Health Care – Maintenance and Upgrade of District Hospitals & Rural Health Facilities (Aid-posts). Posting of Doctors to each District Hospitals.
  4. Grants and Support to Church Health Services
  5. Improved Management of Drugs Distribution& Medical Equipment Services
  6. Specialist Medical Officers Incentive Scheme
  7. Increased Local Training of Nurses & CHWs (Sopas & Kungumanda)
  8. Construction of 4 Community Health Posts through ADB.
  9. Improved MCH Clinics in each District.
  10. Provide incentive for medical officers serving in rural health facilities.

EPG has prioritized rural transport infrastructure as a vehicle to improve access to basic services and market for rural people. Good transport infrastructure will enable effective service delivery, access to markets, and the safe and efficient movement of people and goods throughout the province which can also act as an impetus to promote economic growth and development. The key projects being prioritized to be implemented are;

  1. Enga Provincial Roads & Bridges Maintenance (Ongoing)
  2. Wabag Town Roads 
  3. Longap Porakali Road (Ongoing)
  4. Lia Road Maintenance (Ongoing)
  5. Papiuk Pogeras Road (Ongoing
  6. Porgera -Tari Road Construction (New)
  7. Liumanda Section Road – Kompiam (new)
  8. Maramuni Road Construction (New & Ongoing)
  9. Pipingus Liangatapus road (new)
  10. Sambe Road (Maintenance)
  11. Rural Airstrips Maintenance & Upgrade Programme (New)
  12. Wapenamanda Airport Terminal Upgraded (new)
  13. Yengis Road Construction (New)

The EPG has prioritized investment in alternative rural based industries and ventures to promote sustainable economic activity outside the Porgera Mine related activities. These are being pursued with a view to attract economic activity and investment in these industries which we believe the province and the people of Enga are well poised to capitalize on. The key activities in this priority area are;

  1. Sirunki Vegetable Development Project in Partnership with the Israelis (Innovative Agro Industries Ltd) (New JV Investment)
  2. Enga Pyrethrum Industry Development Project (Stalled)
  3. Enga Coffee Industry Development Project (Ongoing)
  4. Enga Livestock Industry Development Project (Piggery, Cattle and Chicken) (Ongoing)
  5. Enga Eco-Tourism and Hospitality Industry Development Project (Ongoing)
  6. Promotion of Rural based Small to Medium Enterprises (Ongoing)
  7. Construction of Wabag Market Project 
  8. Enga Micro Bank (New)
  9. Enga Commercial Centre (New)
  10. Wabag Hotel accommodating a big conference center

The EPG has emphasized the establishment of a conducive Law & Order environment as the eminent pre-requisite to effective service delivery and all other socio-economic development and progress and has adopted a multi-sectoral approach to the improving Law & Order environment in the province. The key activities and projects identified in this programme are;

  1. Strengthening the Village Court System through the improving of Village Court Performance, Monitoring and Management.
  2. Mediate to stop tribal fights in the districts. (Ongoing)
  3. Strengthening and Improving the OMS System VC System (Ongoing).
  4. Support to Police Operations in the Province. (Ongoing)
  5. Support to All Law & Justice Sector Agencies in the Province (Ongoing)
  6. Construction of Mukurumanda Jail (Ongoing)
  7. Construction of a new Enga Police Barracks (New)
  8. Police Recruitment (Ongoing)
  9. Border Boom Gate Operations & Maintenance  (Ongoing)

The construction, development and expansion of public infrastructure network and utility services have been prioritized as an important initiative for the Enga Province over the next few years. Though this program public infrastructure facilities and utility services will be made available for the use of the Enga people, and these important key projects are;

  1. Enga Rural Electrification Project (Ongoing)
  2. Wabag (Lomban) Hydro Project (New)
  3. Pilikambi Hydro Project (Commercial entity)
  4. Town Sewerage and Waste Management (New)
  5. eENGA, Network, connect and digitize Enga Provincial Administration. Connect all schools and health centers to reliable internet.Expand Radio Network coverage to all Enga Province ( ongoing).
  6. Construction and Maintenance of Sporting and Recreation Facilities –(Wabag Soccer Field and Aipus Rugby Field) 
  7. Improved Public Infrastructure Network (Electrification & Communications)
  8. Wabag Public Toilet

To effectively implement government policy and projects requires a competent and well equipped public service bureaucracy. As such, the EPG has also prioritized the building of administrative and institutional capacity within the provincial administration as an important development objective to improve service delivery and effectiveness and efficiency in government performance. The particular projects in this programme are;

  1. Construct District Administration Offices in all Districts
  2. Construct Sub-District Administration Offices in all Districts
  3. Installation of District Development Authority (DDA) in all districts (Ongoing)
  4. Creation of new positions at the DDA level for strengthening service delivery in the districts (ongoing).
  5. Institutional Capacity Building Project (Sectoral Capacity Building) (Ongoing)
  6. Human Resources Development Project (Specialist Recruitments & Targeted Training) (Ongoing)
  7. Public Servants Staff Housing Project to be implemented in the villages (stalled)
  8. Transfer of NHC Houses and Land title to EPG as a lieu way to improving public service housing program.
  9. Restructuring the Provincial Public Service Bureaucracy to effectively implement the new PSIP, DSIP and LLG funding structures (Done Pending Implementation).

Successful Implementation of National Government Policy

We have successfully implemented one major National Health Reform in this term of Government in amalgamating the Provincial Rual Health services with the Provincial Hospital. Enga is one of the 8 successful PHA provinces in the country rolling out effective health services programs under the new entity.

We have successfully shifted the 300 plus health personal previously attached to the provincial administration to the new entity (PHA).

All health personnel within the newly unified health system come under the new ALESCO payroll system which is rolling out effectively.

We have successfully transferred the Education Payroll for Enga teachers from Waigani to Wabag. All teachers’ pay roll issues are now addressed and resolved at the provincial headquarters instead of Waigani. This is reducing prolonged teacher absenteeism from school.

Along with the transfer of the payroll were other major Teaching Services Commission roles and responsibilities in the areas of teacher appointment and discipline as conferred to the provincial education authority to exercise.

Through a successful liaison with the Department of Land s and Physical Planning Board we have eventually sworn in the Physical Planning Board members. This important board will decide on the shape and nature of the physical development that will take place in the chief town of Wabag in Enga.

The District Development Authority came into being after an act of parliament to replace what was then the JDPBPC. All Provinces were requested to establish the DDA with the Local MP being the Chairman and District Administrator becoming the CEO.

All Districts by now have established their DDAs with their Board members sworn in. All DDA’s decide on their district funds and report directly to the Office of Rural Development. We have successfully facilitated the establishment of few DDA’s as we have some contentious grey areas when it comes to appointment public servants and reporting structure of CEO’s and other key District Support staff.

The National Government from 2013 paid school fee subsidy direct to the school accounts from Waigani but it had decided in 2014 to change the approach by allowing provinces to manage and distribute the school subsidy from the provincial level. The Enga Province has been one of the few selected provinces and agencies in the country to pilot this concept on decentralising the management of Tuition Fee-Free funds at the provincial level. We were selected because we were pioneers in school subsidy policy in the country and have been implementing it for more than 10 years before national government adopted our successful subsidy policy.

EPG’s proposal for introduction of council’s and magistrate’s allowance was adopted by GOPNG & implemented nationwide for everyone to benefit beside Fee Subsidy Policy.

The provincial payroll system is connected with Waigani

Enga Provincial Finance Office and Districts will be connected with the national Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS)

Twenty-five years of stable leadership and consistent administrative machinery have resulted in EPG attracting more foreign government and NGO donor agencies to invest in all sectors in the province. ’This has been our strength and a Key strategy for addressing our development agendas.

Chief Sir Peter Ipatas,GCL,KBE,MP
Governor, Enga Province