Lands and Physical Planning

The Lands and Physical Planning Division is responsible for the administration and management of all titled land in Enga. It also facilitates the mobilisation of customary land at the request of customary landowners. Functions include the planning, surveying, titling, valuing and management of the land titles records management system. It administers and manages decentralised functions such as Provincial Physical Planning Boards and Provincial Land Boards.

Key activities of the role

The Division undertake a review of the systems and processes of land administration and management and skills development within the Department, and of the decentralised functions. This will include the review of the various Government of PNG initiated and funded reform initiatives, including the National Land Development Program (NLP) and its components, implemented over the last 13 years. This will also include the review of technical areas, such as the operation of the Surveyors’ Registration Board and the Valuers’ Registration Board and explore options for improving their operations and promoting their development.

Land Administration

The Department of Lands and Physical Planning is entrusted with the responsibility of administering land matters. This includes the registration, allocation, and transfer of land titles, as well as the management of land records. By ensuring the proper documentation and regulation of land ownership, the department contributes to the maintenance of a transparent and efficient land administration system.

Physical Planning

Another key responsibility of this department is physical planning. It is responsible for formulating and implementing land use plans, zoning regulations, and development control guidelines. By doing so, the department ensures that land is utilized in a sustainable and organized manner, promoting balanced development and safeguarding the environment.

Land Surveying and Mapping

Accurate land surveying and mapping are essential for effective land management. The Department of Lands and Physical Planning oversees these activities, ensuring that land boundaries are accurately demarcated and mapped. This helps prevent land disputes and provides a reliable basis for land transactions and development projects.

Land Valuation

Determining the value of land is crucial for various purposes, such as taxation, compensation, and land acquisition. The department is responsible for conducting land valuations, ensuring fairness and accuracy in assessing the worth of land. This information is vital for decision-making processes and contributes to the overall economic development of the country.

Land Use Planning and Environmental Management

The department plays a pivotal role in land use planning and environmental management. It formulates policies and guidelines to promote sustainable land use practices, taking into account environmental considerations. By integrating environmental concerns into land use planning, the department contributes to the preservation of natural resources.

Twenty-five years of stable leadership and consistent administrative machinery have resulted in EPG attracting more foreign government and NGO donor agencies to invest in all sectors in the province. ’This has been our strength and a Key strategy for addressing our development agendas.

Chief Sir Peter Ipatas,GCL,KBE,MP
Governor, Enga Province