Strengthening Integrated Sustainable Landscape Management

The United Nations Development Programme in Papua New Guinea with its partners, the Climate Change Development Authority and the Enga Provincial Administration, launched the European Union-funded ‘Strengthening Integrated Sustainable Landscape Management Project’ in Enga Province on the 19 July 2021.With the financial support from the European Union, the project, “Strengthening Integrated Sustainable Landscape Management in Enga Province Papua New Guinea”, will assist in strengthening sustainable and inclusive economic development of the Enga Province of Papua New Guinea by Three Strategic Objectives:

    • improving climate change mitigation and adaption;
    • strengthening food and nutrition strategy and
    • improving biodiversity and land/forest conservation. It will be achieved through the development and delivery of an innovative approach to rural development that brings together government systems, private sector and community action to present a model for climate compatible green growth.
  • Integrated sustainable land use and development planning within provincial and district development planning will provide a framework and supporting environment for effective climate compatible development including both mitigation and adaptation actions. This framework will be used as a base to help catalyse community action on sustainable projects and the development of community conservation areas as well as private sector investment in the development and production of high quality ‘conservation commodities’ that have improved international market access and prices and support the delivery of multiple objectives at the community level. This integrated approach is fully in line with a number of government and private sector initiatives with the current project acting as a catalyst to bring these elements together as well as helping to bridge the investment gap presents in fully operationalizing these integrated approaches.

    Through these actions the project will provide significant support to achieving both PNG’s Medium-Term Development Goals, including targets for increasing agricultural productivity, increasing areas under conservation and reducing levels of forest loss. It will also support action under the SDGs in particular action on SDG15 Life on Land, SDG 13, Climate Action and Goal 2, Zero Hunger.

    A Low – Value Grant project is a component of the “Strengthening Integrated Sustainable Landscape Management in Enga Province Papua New Guinea – Enga SISLaM” established through call for proposals for small project grants to support community-based projects achieve the key project objectives outlines in the project  document.

    To increase sustainable and inclusive economic development of the Enga Province of Papua New Guinea

    • Strategic Objective 1: Improved climate change mitigation and adaptation.
    • Strategic Objective 2: Strengthened food and nutrition security.
    • Strategic Objective 3: Improved Biodiversity and land/forest ecosystems conservation, restoration and sustainable use.
    • 20,000 hectares of agricultural, forests and pastoral ecosystems where sustainable management practices have been introduced.
    • Ten best practices on inclusive and integrated landscape approach in Enga province of Papua New Guinea.
    • 200,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions avoided (with EU support and Carbon sequestered.
    • Climate change adaptation / DRM and climate change mitigation integrated into development planning, PIP, DSIP application process including one provincial and three district plans.
    • Over 30,000 people (30% women) are informed about climate change impacts and developed options for adaptation and mitigation.
    Focal Area
    • Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
    • Sustainable Agriculture
    • Biodiversity Conservation

    Local Farmers, SMEs, businesses, local government



    Project Duration

    Dec 2020 – Nov 2025

    | The launch of this new project was witnessed by a range of dignitaries, including the Governor of Enga Province, Grand Chief Sir Peter Ipata, French Ambassador, His Excellency Mr Guillaume Lemoine, Head of the European Delegation, His Excellency Mr. Jernej Videtic and UNDP Resident Representative. Photo: Clive Hawigen/ UNDP Papua New Guinea.

    “Twenty-seven per cent of land in Enga Province is suitable for agriculture. The project will fully strengthen and build capacity of community farmers, share knowledge and implement best practice of integrated sustainable landscape management in Enga Province. As we move towards the turn of the decade, it is crucial for our country to maintain key steps that need to be taken to address climate change and achieve its development goals,” said Governor Ipatas.

    Twenty-five years of stable leadership and consistent administrative machinery have resulted in EPG attracting more foreign government and NGO donor agencies to invest in all sectors in the province. ’This has been our strength and a Key strategy for addressing our development agendas.

    Chief Sir Peter Ipatas,GCL,KBE,MP
    Governor, Enga Province