Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation is a very important part of implementing any plan. Monitoring is a periodic review of plan/program/ project implementation by management to assess delivery, identify difficulties, ascertain problem areas, and recommend remedial action(s).

Evaluations the process of assessing the impacts of the plans, activities or projects been implemented. It is concerned with the effects and impact of outputs and activities assessing the actions or reactions of those affected by the program/project at a certain point in time, either during implementation or after the completion of activities.

This unit is to be primarily responsible for the Monitoring and Evaluation of the implementation of the Enga Provincial Government projects and other work.

The following methodology will be applied to carry out
the Monitoring and Evaluation

In this process, the tools that will be used in the M & E process will be developed. Tools such as questionnaires, templates, assessment tables, worksheets, and any other items that will be needed to carry out the M & E. These tools can be used during the desktop review, actual site visits, and reporting processes. This process is very important as the success of the whole M & E will depend on the preparation that will determine the quality of the M & E reports. Therefore, at this stage, the M & E team will sit down and prepare the tools before the actual M & E is executed.

This process will involve a desk top review. This will be done in the M & E Unit office of the Policy and Planning Division. In this process, the actual Corporate Plan, AAPs, Budget Books, Implementation Schedules and the Indicators to be achieved will be studied and reviewed so that it can be verified against the actual implementation and the outputs achieved during the actual site visit.

This is part of the preparation and the tools prepared in the first step above will be used in this process for the next step. This process is also crucial as the information and data will provide the benchmark to assess against the progress made when visiting the actual site. This will be undertaken by the M & E team.

In this process, the actual implementation sites will be visited. The site could include, implementing Division offices or project sites in the Districts or LLGs.

There will be consultation and discussions with the officers in-charge of implementation or the actual implementing officers (Division Heads and line staff or contractors and sub-contractors). During the consultation, the data and information prepared during the desktop review will be assessed against the actual progress made. Assessments and observations will be made to verify the status of implementation against, the Corporate Plan, AAPs, Budget, Implementation schedules, and Indicators.

In this process, it will ascertain the amount of work done and outputs achieved and identify problems and issues affecting smooth implementation. This will be done by talking to the officers involved in the implementation, examining the records (documents), and physical observation of the progress and the outcomes and outputs achieved obtaining both qualitative and quantitative information. This is one of the most important stages so; there must be honesty, transparency, accountability, and biasness on the part of both the M&E team and the implementing agents. In this way, the validity and the quality of the report will be of high standing and standard. After completing this step, then the reports will have to be produced.

In this process, all the information collected from the desktop review and actual site visit will be put in a report. This will basically be done back in the M & E Unit office. The report will inform the Authorities of the status, progress, outputs achieved, and issues affecting smooth implementation. It will also contain recommendations for further actions. Information and data from the M & Exercise can also be contained and the mandatory reports like the Quarterly Report, Annual Report, S119 and S114 reports, and Special Reports, reports will be given to the Director for Policy and Planning, appropriate Directors, Deputy Provincial Administrators, and the Provincial Administrator for their information and action.

The reports will also be tabled through different committee meetings as and when necessary. The most appropriate ones are:

♦  Quarterly Reviews

♦  PMT & DMT meetings

♦  TMT meetings

♦  PCMC Meetings

♦  Provincial Audit Committee meetings

♦  Provincial Tenders Board

♦  Provincial Building Board

♦  Provincial Executive Council meetings

♦  Provincial Assembly meetings

These committees and boards will deliberate on the reports and make decisions for further action.

This is the last process, where recommendations from the report or the decisions of the various authorities are implemented. M &E Unit will coordinate the execution of this activity with the respective and concerned agencies and Divisions. The activities undertaken in this process will be highlighted in the next M & E that will be carried out.

Twenty-five years of stable leadership and consistent administrative machinery have resulted in EPG attracting more foreign government and NGO donor agencies to invest in all sectors in the province. ’This has been our strength and a Key strategy for addressing our development agendas.

Chief Sir Peter Ipatas,GCL,KBE,MP
Governor, Enga Province