Finance and Administration

Effective accounting and financial management support to the Enga Provincial Government.

Promoting good governance and its two pillars of accountability and transparency through a comprehensive program of financial inspections and investigations to strengthen and improve the government financial management system relating to the receipt and expenditure of public monies and Enga Provincial Government's properties.

  1.  Provide effective and efficient management of the Department’s Financial and Physical Resources to support the Department’s capacity towards meeting its responsibilities to the EPG and the people of Enga Province.
  2. Provide effective and efficient accounting and support services to the core functions of the EPG in the delivery of Legal and Justice Services to the people.
  3.  Facilitate and provide Accounting Services to all other Branches in terms of:
  • Budget preparations, Management of Properties and Assets, Management of Trust Accounts, monitoring and controlling Expenditures by providing expenditure reports to the Branches, providing responses to Audit Reports, Undertake Quarterly Budget Reviews, and ensuring that procedures and processes under Public Finance (Management) Act and Enga Provincial Government Procurement Policy are complied with.

A Revenue Section is responsible for managing and optimizing revenue-related processes and systems. The revenue section ensures sustainable revenues for the Enga Provincial government.


     Improving taxpayer services.

     Strengthening dispute resolution mechanisms.

     Modernising debt collection processes, operations and tools.

      Developing and implementing strategic planning and performance management frameworks.

     Fostering internal control, organizational risk management and information security.

     Enhancing business processes and project and change management.

Under the direct supervision of the Administration and financial services, the procurement office is responsible for evaluating suppliers, products, and services, negotiating contracts, and ensuring that approved purchases are cost-efficient and of high quality.

The main functions include identifying procurement needs, planning procurements, preparing and advertising tender documents, collecting and supporting collection and analysis of offers, maintaining positive supplier relations, evaluating supply options, approving purchases, and maintaining accurate records.

It ensures smooth implementation and adherence to standards logistics and Enga Provincial Government procurement procedures.

The Provincial Transport manager oversees the end-to-end lifecycle of Enga Provincial Government vehicles.

Researching the best vehicle types based on an EPG’s operations and budget, then supervising their procurement.

Provincial Transport manager then administer the processing and maintenance of vehicle licenses and registration, including insurance, and put vehicles on tender. Also keeps record of all Fleets.

To ensure vehicles always run safely and efficiently, the fleet manager must direct the following activities:

     Vehicle scheduling and dispatch

     Efficient asset utilization and route planning

     Vehicle inspection and maintenance

     Vehicle performance monitoring, record keeping, and improvement.

Twenty-five years of stable leadership and consistent administrative machinery have resulted in EPG attracting more foreign government and NGO donor agencies to invest in all sectors in the province. ’This has been our strength and a Key strategy for addressing our development agendas.

Chief Sir Peter Ipatas,GCL,KBE,MP
Governor, Enga Province